Engineered Systems

Variable Frequency Drive Carwash Controls.

Project Description

At Engineered Systems, our system engineers have an in-depth knowledge of the design and building Automatic Carwash Tunnel Control Panels with either constant speed starters or Variable Frequency Drives.  Each system may contain up to 30 motors, and by using the latest in VFD technology, we can ensure a low maintenance, easy to use control system.
Our engineering department pride themselves on designing the most cost effective system for each particular tunnel.
We use cost analysis software for your tunnel blower and vacuum systems to assist you in determining the cost effectiveness of variable frequency drives for your particular system.
System options are discussed with the engineer that will design your system to make sure you receive the most value for your investment.

Project Details

  • Date May 4, 2015
  • Tags Carwash Controls, Variable Frequency Drives

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